Wayfarer (RSI-S)

Likely to...
...have a hard time talking about their achievements
...dislike very competitive environments
...prefer being liked by others to being powerful

Mild-mannered and considerate, Wayfarers find deep enjoyment in mastering activities they like, often surprising others with their level of skill. When this type finds a trade or talent that resonates with them, they’ll pour their time into experimenting and engaging with it. Through this involvement, they gain experience – and put their particular spin on things.

Wayfarers may find so much enjoyment in things they love that they sometimes lose track of time. But as much as they love mastering something, they’re unpretentious and dislike competitive environments. They’re cooperative by nature and make an effort to get along rather than show off or dominate. For them, competing makes the atmosphere feel tense, and they prefer harmony to tension.

Accordingly, this type has little interest in ordering others around. They value their freedom and believe other people deserve the same. They tend to be thoughtful, prepared to use their skills and knowledge on behalf of those who ask. They may even let others be more prominent, especially when the other person obviously cares about something more than they do.

While they’re very allowing, Wayfarers aren’t fond of dealing with imaginative interpretations or having to work out purely theoretical matters in their heads. Rather than engaging in speculative abstractions, they prefer to keep their feet on the ground, focusing on more concrete or practical things closer to their own life experience.

But preferences aside, Wayfarers’ work (and lives in general) are rarely guided by a specific approach, viewpoint, or notion. They adopt a spontaneous approach based on experience – experimenting and letting that process inspire them to new insight. This is how they typically come to decisions, build their knowledge and skills, and form their beliefs.

As practical people who value trying things out over making abstract or theoretical assertions, Wayfarers are generally very open-minded. They’re enthusiastic about new experiences, but not about those who try to diminish their freedom to take their own path. But Wayfarers rarely judge others and aren’t prone to being confrontational with other people over such differences.

Preferring to adapt and get along, Wayfarers are willingly flexible. They think on their feet more than making special preparations in advance. Rather than set a detailed plan and then execute it, they prefer to deal with things as they come. They may even see trying to predict exactly what will actually happen – and when – as a waste of energy.

Wayfarers would rather spend their time engaging in challenges they enjoy. They tend to especially like activities that involve using their bodies (like sports and athletics) or working with some kind of tools (such as skilled crafts.) The freedom to do such things energizes them, and although this is best ensured when alone, they also enjoy working with others who are supportive of their unique approach.