Seekers (VSI)

Likely to...
...enjoy working from home full time
...write a book
...dislike asking people for help

Seekers are free thinkers who enjoy understanding as much as they can about their chosen interests and the wider world. They want to get to the big picture, not by sticking to set theories or approaches, but by letting themselves experience and play with concepts, exploring and gathering insight. These types let that process of research and exploration guide them toward what they seek.

Curious and open to new information, Seekers tend to entertain different ideas without fully accepting any as final. To them, new insight can always lead to a different view or approach, and therefore it makes no sense to stick to the status quo rigidly. They aren’t prone to being stubborn but have reservations about claims of absolute certainty, especially if it sets an approach, direction, or concept in stone.

This is partly because Seekers are generally forward-thinking and interested in how things could be improved. For them, achieving big things demands exploring different possibilities. They’re imaginative and like to juggle many ideas in their heads to see where they lead, always mapping out new mental territories. Sticking to one concept or approach can make them feel hindered.

This doesn’t mean they can’t handle structure or commit to long-term objectives, but they reserve the freedom to be on their own track mentally. Seekers have an abundant inner life which may not always be understood by the outside world. They may appear to flit from one idea to another without processing what they’ve encountered, but they’re exploring – using or discarding information as they form their ideas and goals.

And if their direction changes during this process, so be it: they wouldn’t have changed if it didn’t make more sense to them. Such flexibility means that Seekers generally handle uncertainty well and don’t have a problem working productively without a set path to follow. Versatility is a part of who they are, and their objectives and commitments emerge through experience.

Consequently, Seekers offer much when a fresh, inventive look is needed, shaking up and revitalizing a system – or workplace. They make connections where others struggle, like when the suitable approach is unclear or even when the goal itself is murky. These types venture out and find ideas that work. If another piece of the puzzle emerges, they incorporate it rather than cling to what was.

Seekers like putting life’s puzzle together on their own, but can do well in small groups – under the right circumstances. They can be difficult to follow as they leap around their mental network and others may struggle to keep up, possibly calling for more structure and certainty. This can feel burdensome to Seekers if they can’t move forward as they like.

While not necessarily leaders, Seekers aren’t followers either – they take their own path at their own pace. But these highly creative types can excel in more than just idea-generating phases of work, benefitting from cooperation. Seekers may lose sight of the practical aspects of implementing ideas and can have great synergy with those who excel at working out all the little details.

Seekers find great rewards from having a social side, but they relish their time alone, occasionally pulling back to restore themselves. Their energy comes to them during solitude, when they can let their mind wander uninterrupted. Then, they carry that energy into other areas of their life, always searching for ideas, thoughts, or solutions that could bring about significant change in their worlds.
